
Academic, Entrepreneur, & Consultant.

Rhody-Ann THORPE is the Founder of Languesol International, Jamaica’s Premier Language Travel entity. Founded in 2016, Languesol International is steadfast in its aim to promote Jamaica as a language travel destination and to provide bridges for Jamaicans to practise their target language(s) in countries worldwide. Originally from Jamaica, Rhody-Ann is actively engaged in various institutions in France and overseas. She is a University Lecturer in France, the Northern France territorial representative for the NGO 100 000 Entrepreneurs and President of the French Non-profit Association Success. Rhody-Ann served as an elected Doctoral representative for the Higher Education English Studies Society -(Societé des Anglicistes de L’Enseignement Supérieur – SAES); Vice-President of the award- winning Association of Jamaican Nationals in France - JAMINFRANCE with special responsibility for Internal Affairs; and as the Vice Chairwoman of the Jamaica Diaspora Youth Leadership Taskforce. Thanks to her international achievements and countless other engagements on different levels, Rhody-Ann received the Prime Minister’s Youth National Youth Award for Excellence in Leadership in December 2020 and she is the 2021 recipient of ACP YPN Youth Day Award for Youth Empowerment.

  • Birthday: January 3
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Originally from: Jamaica
  • Currently in: France

Research Interests

Higher Education Policy 100%
Policy Transfer 100%
Post-Colonial Studies 100%
Caribbean Higher Education 100%
Irish Higher Education 100%
Diplomacy and ACP-EU Relations 100%

Fun Facts

Speaking Engagements

Taught hours at tertiary level


Memorable moments

Non Profit Engagements